Koi Sushi
Rollito de Atún

Koi sushi quickly gained a reputation in Tijuana shortly after its opening in 2014 for its use of the finest local seafood and chef Yaron de Moral's imaginative preparations. This spicy roll is bursting with coarsely diced Bluefin tuna, a slice of avocado and slightly salty tabiko (flying fish roe). The top of the roll is slathered with a chipotle aioli and sprinkled with sesame seeds and thinly sliced scallions. The combination of Saracha and chili in the aioli turns the heat of this roll up to a fiery blast.

See the blog post: http://agringoinmexico.com/2015/05/13/koi-sushi-rolls-out-the-good-stuff-in-playas-de-tijuana

Paseo Playas de Tijuana 1185, Playas, Jardines Playas de Tijuana, 22500 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico
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