
foodbitch is not a professional chef, food critic or culinary expert. But she is an expert orderer, a lover of the culinary experience, a home cook, and entertainer and yes — even a food snob. She loves to make people smile in their stomach places. That’s why she offers up her best recommendations based on her own likes and dislikes when it comes to Dallas' best restaurants. She's a professional copywriter by trade and a freelance food writer in her spare time, which is becoming even more and more "spare" lately, because now she also plays the role of Mom to twin #foodbabies. You can find foodbitch on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or on her blog, . In her own words, "I'll tell you what to eat, and you'll like it."


Foodbitch is not a professional chef, food critic or culinary expert. But she is an expert orderer, a lover of the culinary experience, a home cook, entertainer and yes — even a food snob.

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