Curated by the worlds 70 top Food Experts/specialists.

Chowzter is looking for the most passionate Experts in every city on earth to be a Chief Chowzter. As such one
Expert/Tweeter in each city will oversee the foodie community in his/her community and curate the top 7 items in the city.

The benefit to Chowzter is we will have the best possible items identified in each city (which should change and rotate on a monthly/quarterly basis).

The benefits to the Chief Chowzter are as follows:

  • The Chief Chowzter will receive 50% of all revenues from App sales in each city - this could easily become serious money.
  • Chowzter will promote the chosen Expert as the voice of the city.
  • Chowzter will promote city tours with the Expert (If they are into that).
  • Chowzter will fund occasional city events led by the chosen Expert.
Looking for the Chief Chowzter : Click here to email us.