
Achiote, bija, onoto, arazá, guatila, piacuil. Just listening to that list of ingredients will tell you there is something unique at Leo. The dishes at this restaurant also have unusual names, including oreja de perro (dog’s ear) and posta negra (black leg). Some of the ingredients will take you on a memorable trip through the country. Don't miss your chance to eat Colombian ants from the department of Santander, or snails from mangrove swamps along the coast. Leonor Espinosa, the Colombian celebrity chef who is the creative mind behind the menu, invents gourmet dishes that focus on local and regional ingredients - many of which you won't find in any other restaurant. Eating here is a culinary and cultural journey not to be missed. With contemporary regional cooking in elegant surroundings, it’s not surprising that Leo just got on Latin America’s Best Restaurants List at number 49.