Deep Dish Pizza

In 1970, the legendary and slightly bonkers Burt Katz founded Pequod’s in Morton Grove, which from local favorite has gone on to become Chicago’s best deep dish pizza – and that is saying something. There are many wonderful deep dish candidates across the Windy City, but Burt struck innovation gold by sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese around the edge of the crust and essentially burning it. As Pequod’s says: Crispy Cheese Crust or Bust! At other pizzerias, many pizza lovers eat the center and leave the enormous crust. That doesn’t happen at Pequod’s, where you will fight over the caramelized crust. Once you have gotten over the flavor punch of the crust, only then will you realize how good the pizza itself is. The sausage and spinach pizzas are both excellent.

2207 N Clybourn Ave, Chicago, IL 60614, United States
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Opening times
Sun: 11:00 am - 12:00 am
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