Naomi Tomky is the unrelentingly enthusiastic eater, photographer and writer behind The GastroGnome. Since 2006, she’s brought her (sometimes over) eager mouth to tables around the world in search of new things to shove in it. From Beijing to Texas, from uncleansed pig intestine (“it sounds worse than it is”) to huckleberry ice cream (“it was that good”), there’s an adventure on every plate she dives into. “I travel, big mouth in tow, to answer the eternal question: ‘What does that taste like?’ ” Naomi said.
Her writing can be found in the Seattle Weekly, Serious Eats and Eat Your World. Her food and restaurant photography have appeared in all of those, plus Edible Seattle, Food & Wine and Sunset magazine.
"Ever since I was a small child, it seems the more food I shove in my mouth, the more words pour out of it. In 2006, I finally paired my unrelenting enthusiasm for eating with my love for writing and created The GastroGnome.”
Naomi lives in Seattle with her husband, Brett, whom she sometimes uses as her “accessory stomach,” and her dog, Roger, who she says looks like a Muppet.
Her day job (because, clearly, she needs to be around more food) is marketing communications manager for a group of grocery stores.
When she’s not eating food or writing about it, she usually is trying to work it off by skiing, running or mountain biking.
For more information, contact her at naomitomky@gmail.com .

The GastroGnome
From Beijing to Texas, from un-cleaned pig intestine (it wasn’t so bad) to huckleberry ice cream (it was that good), this professional writer and photographer bounces about, big mouth in tow, to answer the eternal question: “what does that taste like?”

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